Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What happens in Siberia affects the entire world!

An Indian scholar Dr. Jatinder Khanna recently published a book Envisioning Siberia: Awakening the Sleeping Land.’

Here is an excerpt:
Siberian territory turns out to be the key to the development of economic communications with countries of Asia-Pacific region. Siberia provides the most direct and fastest way to connect the main economic and productive parts of the world --- Europe, United States, North-East Asia and Central Asia, to emerge as the new frontier of development. Serious discussions are going on in the international community regarding the possibilities of Siberian resources, which can be mobilized on a global scale. The potential of Siberia’s pool of abundant resources, combined with comparatively inexpensive resources like skilled labor force, absence of any ecological restriction in the territory and the alluring possibility to gain access to transnational corporations.
Read full story (by Russia & India Report)

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